An affordable Cumberland criminal lawyer. Familiar with Allegany County MD District Court. I can help to either dismiss or lower your charges.

Affordable Cumberland MD Criminal Lawyer

Steven Ameche, Esq.

Affordable & Competent Cumberland MD Criminal Attorney

Payment Plans Available!

Call or Text
(240) 705-8960


Indeed, an affordable Cumberland criminal attorney. Further, Mr. Ameche has successfully handled all types of Allegany County, MD traffic and criminal law cases. Additionally, he is familiar with the Allegany County District Court system. Moreover, Mr. Ameche is proud to offer his clients over 27 years of in the trenches experience. Accordingly, he is a skilled and well respected Cumberland, MD criminal attorney. Rest assured, Mr. Ameche will try to get the best outcome for your case. Hence, he is a seasoned Cumberland MD criminal attorney. In short, our goal is simply to achieve the best possible results. We do this for each of our clients in every case we handle.

A Cumberland criminal attorney can offer positive solutions.

Some Criminal Defense Lawyer Areas of Practice


Traffic Law Areas that an affordable Cumberland MD criminal lawyer can help you with…


Trust, Respect and your Cumberland Criminal Lawyer 

If you appear in court often enough. If you know how to read people. Also, if you know and understand the particular court system. When you have a well respected lawyer. Your chances of a favorable outcome increase . Please know, the criminal and traffic attorney community is a small and close knit group. In short, everybody knows everybody. It really comes down to trust, knowledge, respect – and in my opinion… impeccable manners.

DUI Charges and your Cumberland MD Criminal Attorney

Police actively search for drunk drivers. This goes on day and night. This includes law enforcement from the Allegany County Sheriff’s Office. The Maryland State Police. Also, the City of Cumberland Police Department. They patrol the streets and highways of Allegany County, MD seeking impaired drivers. Further, the likelihood of a police stop between 12:00AM and 6:00AM is even greater.

In fact, it is illegal to operate a vehicle while under the influence of drugs or alcohol. A Cumberland Criminal lawyer may be able to help dismiss or lower your DUI charges.

Important Information on Failure to Appear in Court

Failure to show up in court on your scheduled court date could result in a drivers license suspension. This is a Failure to Appear. Sometimes shortened to FTA.  Additionally, there are some circumstances where the court may issue a bench warrant. For instance, if you were facing a jailable offense. Further, you may have failed to appear on your court date. If so, then there is a possibility that the court has issued a warrant for your arrest. A Maryland criminal attorney can help.

Better to hire a lawyer beforehand…

If you come into contact with police – you may wind up sitting in jail. They can hold you until your court date. Also, they can extradite you if you are out of state. We can remove the warrant. Further, we can file a motion to recall. You will get a new court date. You can wait at home for the new court date – instead of in jail. At home you can choose what and where to eat. When at home, you can choose to eat organic… or at McDonalds. There are no happy meals in jail. In jail you eat bologna sandwiches. An affordable Maryland criminal lawyer can remove the warrant.

MC § 5-212

Indeed, presenting as an affordable Cumberland MD criminal lawyer. Accordingly, he holds a Maryland law license. Further, he carries a US Third Circuit Court of Appeals license. Proudly, Mr. Ameche is a graduate of the University of Central Florida and recipient of the UCF distinguished alumni award. Lastly, Steven Ameche is a licensed and insured Cumberland MD battle-hardened criminal attorney.

A Cumberland criminal attorney can offer sound advice.

In short, call or text (240) 705-8960. Also, email us at [email protected]. Further, ask about our inexpensive low cost payment plans. 

Lastly, hire a valid attorney. Accordingly, you can check bar admission with the State of Maryland – Attorney License Check Here.

Thank you for visiting our website.

—“The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.” – 2 Corinthians 5:17