An affordable Montgomery County MD traffic ticket lawyer. Familiar with the Montgomery County MD court system. Give your ticket to me…

S. Ameche, Esq. | Affordable Montgomery County MD Traffic Ticket Lawyer
Competent Montgomery County MD Traffic Ticket Attorney
Payment plans available.
(240) 705-8960
An experienced Montgomery County MD traffic tickets attorney can help to either remove or reduce points from your driving record.
We may be able to handle your ticket without you being in court
As one of the most populated counties in Maryland, Montgomery County MD, hosts several major highways. Specifically, these highways include, the I-270,
I-370 and
I-495. Further, it’s a benefit to have a lawyer familiar with the Montgomery County Court. This can help get a satisfactory result with your traffic ticket. Indeed, Mr. Ameche has successfully represented clients with all types of traffic tickets. He works at both Montgomery County District Courts – Rockville and Silver Spring, MD. Additionally, Steven Ameche is proud to offer his clients over 27 years of front line experience. Accordingly, we will try to get the best outcome for your traffic violation. In essence, our goal is simply to achieve the best possible results. We do this for each of our clients in every traffic ticket we handle.
A Montgomery County MD ticket attorney can offer solutions.
Sometimes law enforcement will write 2 (or more) additional charges on your traffic ticket. For instance, below are some different offenses…
Red Lights
Unsafe Lane Changes
Control Device
Following Too Closely
HOV Violations
Stop Sign Offenses
These offenses all carry points. Further, points can affect your driving record. In short, traffic tickets may increase your insurance premiums. A $100.00 a month insurance hike equals $3,600.00 in just 3 years. The good news – there’s a way to avoid this. Mr. Ameche can go to court for you. Further, he can speak to the police officer. Also, he can speak to the judge. Additionally, he can lower or remove your points. In short, an affordable Montgomery County MD traffic ticket lawyer can help.
Payable Citations vs Must Appear Citations
A payable citation does not require you to go to court. These can be anything from tail light tickets to speeding violations. Red light tickets. Lane violations. Control device tickets. Stop signs. Cell Phones. Registration problems. These are all payable tickets. However, some payable tickets can result in points. 9 MPH over the speed limit is 1 point. Thirty over – 5 points. Reckless driving is 6 points. Failure to display license – zero points. Points can increase your insurance costs. Also, too many points can cause a suspension.
A must appear ticket requires you to go to court. They are serious violations. Serious violations can result in jail time. Hit & run. DUIs. Driving while suspended. Driving without insurance. These are all must appear tickets. Must appear tickets can also result in points. A DUI is 12 points. Driving without a license is 5 points. Also, you risk probation. Possible community service. We recommend having a lawyer for a serious violation.
Speeding – Over 100 MPH
This is a special area. Do not take this lightly. You should take this seriously. This will light up the court room. You risk 5 points and $500.00. Further, if convicted, your insurance will launch. The judge may want to talk with you. Do not do this alone. An attorney knows what to say. I recommend you have a lawyer.
Other charges that an affordable Montgomery County MD traffic ticket lawyer can help you with.
• Excessive Moving Violations
Too many traffic tickets can cause problems. For instance, a license suspension. This will happen if you get 8 to 11 points within 2 years. Further, a revocation will follow with 12 or more points within 2 years. Sometimes, we can reopen your ticket. We may be able to reduce the points. We can go to court for you. Also, one can request an MVA Administrative Hearing. This can get you driving again. Get your license back. Indeed, removing points can reduce your insurance premiums.
• Driving with a Suspended License
Driving without a license is usually not a good idea. It can result in points on your driving record. Further, a fine. Also, probation. In fact, you risk jail time. Fortunately, there are defenses available. Steven Ameche is proud to offer his clients over 27 years of battle-hardened experience. Mr. Ameche has successfully handled many suspended license cases in Montgomery County District Court. Accordingly, Mr. Ameche will try to get the best outcome for your suspended license matter.
• Driving without Insurance
Driving without car insurance could result in a possible license suspension. Further, a fine. Also, probation. In fact, even possible jail time. A Montgomery County MD ticket attorney can offer advice.
Important Information on Failure to Appear in Court
Failure to show up in court on your scheduled court date could result in a drivers license suspension. This is a Failure to Appear. Sometimes shortened to FTA. Additionally, there are some circumstances where the court may issue a bench warrant. For instance, if you were facing a jailable offense. Further, you may have failed to appear on your scheduled court date. If so, then there is a possibility that the court has issued a warrant for your arrest.
Better to hire a lawyer beforehand…
If you come into contact with police – you may wind up sitting in jail. They can hold you until your court date. Also, they can extradite you if you are out of state. We can remove the warrant. Further, we can file a motion to recall. You will get a new court date. You can wait at home for the new court date – instead of in jail. At home you can choose what and where to eat. When at home, you can choose to eat organic… or at McDonalds. There are no happy meals in jail. In jail you eat bologna sandwiches. An affordable Montgomery County MD traffic ticket lawyer can remove the warrant.
Trust and Respect
If you appear in court often enough. If you know how to read people. Also, if you know and understand the particular court system. When you have a well respected lawyer. You will get a good outcome. Indeed, the criminal defense lawyer and traffic attorney community is a small and close knit group. In short, everybody knows everybody. It really comes down to trust, knowledge, respect – and in my opinion… impeccable manners.
DUI Charges and your Montgomery County Traffic Ticket Lawyer
Police actively search for drunk drivers. This goes on day and night. This includes law enforcement from the local county Sheriff’s offices. The Maryland State Police. Also, the local city police departments. They patrol the streets and highways of Montgomery County seeking impaired drivers. Further, the likelihood of a police stop between 12:00AM and 6:00AM is even greater.
Indeed, it is illegal to operate a vehicle while under the influence of drugs or alcohol. A Montgomery County traffic ticket attorney may be able to help dismiss or lower your DUI charges.
In short, please call or text (240) 705-8960. Also, email us at Further, you can ask us about our low cost inexpensive payment plans.
Lastly, hire a valid attorney. You can check bar admission with the State of Maryland – Attorney License Check Here.
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